Posted: Monday 24th June 2024

The mercury is due to exceed 30°C in the upcoming days.

Please make sure that yourself and those you care for are prepared, as heat can cause exhaustion and sunburn amongst other ailments.

People over 70 are especially vulnerable in the sun. And keeping well in the heat, especially in the current situation, is vital. A little Vitamin D can be good for you, but too much can cause health issues.

- Remember to wear sun cream – on yourself, the kids and the pets!

- Wear loose clothing and a hat and stay in the shade or indoors during the hottest period of the day.

- Up your fluid intake – carry a bottle of water with you and refill it often. It’s so important.

- Don’t overheat – it can cause additional issues for those who already have problems with their heart or breathing. Stay cool and drink plenty.

- Check on your elderly neighbours – it might be too hot to them to venture out – do they have the essentials in?

Let's all look after eachother.
